Background design, Character design, Storyboard

I designed the characters and sets and did the storyboarding for this shiny commercial.

Concept: Trow a massive surprise party for a humble unknown Belgian to celebrate the 3 year anniversary of radio station JOEfm

Fantastic AD and post production by Jan Daghelinckx, awesome 3d animation by Bram Van Rompaey and Reinout Swinnen

Produced by SABOUGE

Here is the animatic I did for the project. As you can see some changes were made during the production.


2D Animation, Animation, Character design

I animated a couple of commercials for BOSTOEN. Production: SABOUGE, Agency: Vandekerckhove&Devos

The concept of the next clips is a gameshow with two houses as candidates. They both claim to be energy efficient houses but which one is the real one?

Tochtdichtheid; The house on the left has a bit more difficulties keeping the air inside.

The house on the left has a bit more trouble with the summer heat…

The left house has serious troubles during the cold winter!

The left house spills Energy like mad!

Let’s see which house can get more funding!

Character designs

Character design, Illustration

Some character designs I did. We’ve got a very, very mad costumer.

Angry little fella

Ow, and another angry costumer!

Evil costumer

Emirillo is a…euh..some kind of rodent…euh…mammal…Anyway, he’s been raised by moles and after all this years of living without daylight, he goes out on a big adventure to look for his real parents. Good luck Emerillo!

Emerillo, raised by worms, looking for adventure!

Baby who likes ribbons…

Little baby playing with a big ball!

Naught, naughty zebra!

Copyright Sabouge

Ninjawa. A mixture of a ninja and a chiwawa. He’s tougher than he looks!

A mixture of a chiwawa and a ninja.